Príbeh obrátenia väzňa - Claudia Newmana cez Pannu Máriu

Boh preukazuje všetkým ľuďom svoju priazeň a milosť. A čije to navonok viditeľné, alebo to zostáva skryté, robí to vždy prostredníctvom Panny Márie, Prostrednice všetkých milostí.

kutočná udalosť, ku ktorej došlo v roku 1944 v americkom štáte Mississippi, veľmi zreteľne ukazuje takéto materinské sprostredkovanie mi­losti, resp. viery cez Pannu Máriu. Páter Robert O'Leary SVD (1911-1984), misionár verbista v štáte Mississippi, bol bezprostredným účastníkom týchto udalostí a v 60. rokoch vydal o nich svedectvo.

Tento horlivý a oduševnený kňaz zanechal pre nasledujúce generácie nahrávku s označením: Príbeh obrátenia väzňa Claudia Newmana

Černoch Claude Newman (1923-1944) odi­šiel už ako päťročný od svojej matky Floretty do Boviny, východne od mesta Vicksburg v štáte Mississippi. Tam vyrastal spolu so starším bratom u starej matky Elien Newman. Už veľmi sko­ro spoznal Claude tvrdú prácu na bavlníkových plantážach, kde pracoval aj Sid Cook, za ktorého sa jeho stará mama Elien vydala. Keď bol 19- ročný Claude opakovane svedkom taho, ako milovanú starú mamu jej muž bil a znežíval. 19. decembra 1942 svojho nevlastného starého tca zastrelil. O niekoľko týždňov ho chitili na úteku a za vraždu Sida Cooka odsúdili na smrť < v elektrickom kresle.


Svedectvo kňaza exorcistu

Zjavenia Panny Márie

Zjavenie v Medzugorií


Zázračná medaila



Keď Newman v roku 1943 čakal vo vä­zení na popravu, ktorá sa mala vykonať 20. januára 1944, bol v cele s ďalšími štyrmi odsúdenými. Jedného večera si všetci piati sadli a spolu sa zhovárali. Keď sa mužom minuli témy rozho­vorov, Claude si všimol oválny pliešok, ktorý mal jeho spoluväzeň na šnúrke na krku. So záujmom sa ho spýtal, čo to je. Keď mladý muž stroho odvetil, že je to medai­la, Claude sa pýtal ďalej: „Čo je to medaila.

Vtedy ten, ktorý bol síce katolíkom, no zmysel medaily vysvetliť nevedel, si ju nahnevane strhol z krku a s nadávkami ju hodil Claudeovi k nohám: „Vezmi si to!" Claude mlčky zdvihol neznámu zázračnú medailu a s povolením väzenského dozorcu si ju zavesil na krk. Cítil, že tento striebornv pliešok ho priťahuje a chcel ~ jednoducho nosiť ako ozdobu.




Stála tu, najkrajšia žena, akú kedy Boh stvoril !

V noci , ked'Newman na svojej prični spal, dotykom na zápästie ho zrazu niečo zobudilo. „Stála tu," ako potom neskôr rozprával kňazovi, „najkrajšia žena, akú kedy Boh stvoril". Vyľakaný a zdesený Claude najskôr nevedel, čo by mal robiť.

No pani ho upokojila a skôr, ako zmizla, ma povedala: „Keď chceš, aby som bola tvoja matka, a keď chceš byť aj ty mojím dieťaťom, daj si zavolať katolíckeho kňaza." Claude zostal znova sám a tak nahlas, že zobudil aj svojich spoluväzňov, zakričal: „Priveďte mi katolíckeho kňaza !

Priveďte mi katolíckeho kňaza ! Chcem sa vyspovedať !

Takto prišiel P. O'Leary, kňaz, ktorý rozprával tento príbeh, hneď ráno za Newmanom. Newman sa mu zveril s tým, čo uplynulej noci zažil. Potom Newman a spolu s ním aj ostatní štyria väzni prosili prekvapeného pátra Lea- ryho o hodiny náboženskej výchovy.

Kňaz bol skeptický, hoci všetci štyria väzni ho horlivo uisťovali, že Claudeov príbeh je pravdivý, i keď ani jeden z nich zjavenie nevidel a žiaden hlas nepočul. Nakoniec im misionár verbista hodiny katechizmu prisľúbil.

Po návrate do farnosti porozprával P. O'Leary svojmu farárovi, čo sa stalo, a na druhý deň sa pobral v dohovorenom čase do väznice na prvú hodinu náboženstva. Tam zistil, že Claude Newman nevie ani čítať, ani písať, pretože nikdy nechodil do školy. Jeho vedomosti týkajúce sa viery boli ešte slab­šie, vlastne o viere nevedel vôbec nič. Ježiša nepoznal a vedel len toľko, že existuje Boh. Tak mával Claude hodiny náboženstva a viac než výnimočné bolo to, že spoluväzni mu pri učení pomáhali.

Jeho sv. krv nás očisťuje


Po niekoľkých týždňoch vyučovania ná­boženstva P. O'Leary jedného dňa povedal: „Takže, chlapci, dnes budeme hovoriť o svia­tosti svätej spovede." Claude okamžite odvetil: „Ó, o tom už viem! Pani mi povedala, že keď ideme na spoveď, nekľakáme si pred kňaza, ale pred kríž jej Syna. A keď naozaj ľutujeme a vyznáme svoje hriechy, krv jej Syna, ktorú za nás prelial, tečie na nás a očisťuje nás od všetkých hriechov."

Nebojte sa spovede! Boh cez kňaza hovorí k nám a odpovedá nám.

P. O'Leary zostal ako skamenený a s otvore­nými ústami počúval. „Ach, nehnevajte sa," ospravedlňoval sa Claude, „nechcel som to na vás tak prudko vychrliť." „Ale nie, ja sa nehnevám, iba žasnem. Teda si ,ju znovu videl?" opýtal sa kňaz dojato. Až keď boli obaja trocha obďaleč, že ich ostaní už ne­mohli počuť, začal Newman vážne: „Pani mi povedala, že ak by ste mali pochybnosti alebo námietky, mám vám pripomenúť sľub, ktorý ste dali Panne Márii v roku 1940 v Holandsku, keď ste ležali v zákope. Na splnenie tohto sľubu ona ešte stále čaká."

„Potom," spomína P. O'Leary, „mi Claude presne opísal, v čom spočíval ten môj sľub. Táto neuveriteľná skutočnosť ma úplne presvedčila o tom, že Claude hovoril o zjaveniach pravdu.

Nato sa vrátili k skupine účastníkov hodín ka­techizmu a Claude pokračoval v povzbudzovaní svojich kamarátov: „Nebojte sa spovede!

Vy poviete svoje hriechy naozaj Bohu, a nie kňazovi. Viete, Panna Mária mi vysvetlila, že skrze kňaza hovoríme k Bohu a Boh cez kňaza hovorí k nám a odpovedá nám."


Asi o týždeň neskôr sa P. O'Leary pripravoval na to, aby svojich piatich väzňov poučil o Najsvätejšej Oltárnej sviatosti. Claude mu naznačil, že Panna Mária ho poučila aj o tom, a so súhlasom kňaza začal vysvetľovať: „Panna Mária mi povedala, že sväté prijímanie vyzerá len v mojich očiach ako kúsok chleba, ale že biela hostia - to je skutočne a opravdivo jej Syn.

Vysvetlila mi tiež, že týmto spôsobom bude Pán Ježiš vo mne len krátky čas, a to presne tak, ako bol vtedy v,nej', skôr než sa narodil v Betleheme. Preto mám ten čas s ním prežívať tak isto, ako to robila po celý svoj život ona: milovať ho; klaňať sa mu; chváliť ho a prosiť ho o požehnanie a ďakovať mu.

Počas týchto minút sa nemám starať o nikoho iného a o nič iné. Tento čas mám stráviť len s ním.


Nebojte sa spovede! Boh cez kňaza hovorí k nám a odpovedá nám



Posledné želanie

Nakoniec sa vyučovanie piatich väzňov skončilo. Claude Newman bol spolu so svojimi spoluväzňami prijatý do Katolíckej cirkvi a 16. januára 1944 bol pokrstený. O štyri dni, päť minút po polnoci, ho mali popraviť. Deň pred popravou sa ho šerif Williamson spýtal: „Claude, máš právo vysloviť svoje posledné želanie, čo by si si prial ?

Vy nechápete - zomrie len moje telo

„Nuž," povedal Claude vyrovnane, „vy všetci ste značne napätí a aj dozorca je úplne zmätený. Ale vy nechápete - zomrie len moje telo. No ja odchádzam, aby som mohol byť pri ,nej', a preto by som si želal oslavu - párty." „Čo tým myslíš?" spýtal sa šerif. „Párty - oslavu!" zopakoval Claude pokoj­ne. „Mohli by ste, prosím, poprosiť kňaza, aby obstaral koláče a zmrzlinu, a dovolili by ste väzňom druhého poschodia voľne sa pohybovať v hale, aby sme mohli všetci spolu oslavovať?"

„Niekto by mohol na kňaza zaútočiť," varoval ho dozorca. Claude sa však obrátil k mužom, ktorí stáli pri ňom, a povedal: „Chlapi, to určite neuro­bíte, nieje tak?"
Kňaz navštívil istú bohatú paniu z farnosti, ktorá sa postarala o zmrzlinu a koláče. A väzni mali svoju párty.

Hneď po nej, pretože si to Claude tak želal, sa všetci v hale pomodlili krížovú cestu, ako aj za spásu Claudea a spásu vlastných duší. Potom od­viedli mužov späť do ich ciel a P. O'Leary sa pobral do kaplnky. Priniesol Najsvätejšiu sviatosť a podal Newmanovi sväté prijímanie. Potom si obaja kľakli. Spoločne čakali a modlili sa.



Obeta lásky za jeden - beznádejný prípad



Pätnásť minút pred popravou, ktorá mala byť krátko po polnoci, prišiel do väzenia šerif Williamson, rozbehol sa hore schodmi a na­hlas kričal: „Odklad, odklad! Guvernér povolil odklad o dva týždne !

Šerif a právny zástupca sa totiž na príslušných miestach pokúsili urobiť všetko pre to, aby zachránili Claudeov život.

Keď sa to on teraz dozvedel, rozplakal sa. P. O'Leary a Williamson si mysleli, že sú to slzy radosti a úľavy z odkladu popravy.

Claude však, silne vzlykajúc, len ťažko dostal zo seba: „Ach, vy vôbec nič nechápete!


Na príhovor Panny Márie - Syn sv. Brigity zachránený




Keby si aspoň raz videl jej tvár a pozrel sa do jej očí, nechcel by si už žiť !


Ach, vy vôbec nič nechápete! Je taká krásna že, keby ste boli aspoň raz videli jej tvár a pozreli sa do jej očí, tak by ste ani vy nechceli žiť čo i len o jeden deň dlhšie !

Porovnaj TU

Čo zlé som len urobil za posledné týždne," spýtal sa kňaza, „že mi Boh odoprel odchod do večnosti? Prečo musím zostať na zemi ešte dva týždne ?

Tu si zrazu P. O'Leary na čosi spomenul. Pripomenul Claudeovi Jamesa Hughsa, vraha, vychovaného síce v katolíckej viere, ktorý však potom viedol naskrz nemorálny život a teraz bol tak isto odsúdený na smrť.

Tento väzeň pociťoval voči Newmanovi hlbokú nenávisť. „Možno si Panna Mária od teba praje, aby si túto obetu, že ešte nemôžeš byť pri nej, priniesol za obrátenie Hughsa,"povedal kňaz. „Prečo neobetuješ Bohu každý jeden okamih, keď ešte musíš byť odlúčený od Panny Márie, za tohto väzňa, aby on nebol naveky odlúčený od Boha?"

Claude súhlasil a poprosil kňaza, aby ho naučil slová modlitby, prostredníctvom ktorej by mohol Bohu darovať túto obetu. Kňaz pomohol svojmu zverencovi, ktorý sa mu zdôveril:

„Ach, páter, tu vo väzení ma Hughs od začiatku nenávidel, no teraz jeho nenávisť nepozná hraníc!" Napriek tomu obe­toval tento 20-ročný černoch všetko šikanovanie, obety a modlitby za Jamesa Hughsa.

O štrnásť dní bol Newman popravený a P. O'Leary o tom povedal: „Nikdy predtým som nevidel nikoho, kto by bol išiel s takou radosťou v ústrety smrti. Dokonca aj oficiálni sved kovia a novinári boli ohromenia nedokázali pochopiť, prečo kandidát smrti na elektrickom kresle tak žiaril od šťastia."

Posledné slová Claudea Newmana patrili P. O'Learymu: „Páter, budem na vás pamätať. A kedykoľvek budete mať nejakú prosbu, obráťte sa na mna a ja poprosím ,ju,, krásnu Paniu.' " Bolo to 4. februára 1944.

Správa o smrti Claudea Newma­na bola zverejnená v deň jeho popravy vo večerníku Vicksburg Evening News.Dnes ráno o 7. 00 hod. vo warrenskom štátnom väzení bol na elektrickom kresle popravený Claude Newman, 20-ročný černoch. Sprevádzal ho P. O'Leary. Newman, ktorý vo väzení prijal katolícku vieru, pred popravou povedal: Som pripravený na odchod!'


Na príhovor Panny Márie - Syn sv. Brigity zachránený

P. Ježiš řekl - Jediná prosba a povzdych mé Matky za hříšníka - sv. Brigita



Zachránený v poslednom okamihu


O tri mesiace neskôr, 19. mája 1944 sa konala poprava belocha Jamesa Hughsa, ktorý tak veľmi nenávidel Claudea Newmana. „Tento muž bol ten najšpinavší, najnemorálneší chlap, akého som kedy stretol. Jeho nenávisť voči Bohu a voči všetkému, čo bolo duchovné, sa nedá ani opísať," povedal o Hughsovi P. O'Leary.

V posledných minútach pred príchodom šerifa, ktorý mal zločinca odviesť z cely na vykonanie rozsudku smrti, mu lekár Dr. Podesta naliehavo dohováral, aby si aspoň kľakol a pomodlil sa Otčenáš.

Ako odpoveď mu Hughs s preklínaním napľuval do tváre. Keď ho potom priviazali na elektrické kreslo, urobil šerif posledný pokus: „Keď chcete ešte naposledy niečo povedať, tak to povedzte teraz !

Odsúdenec znovu klial a rúhal sa. Zrazu však zmĺkol a s očami od hrôzy naširoko otvorenými uprene hľadel do kúta miestnosti. Smerom k šerifovi začal nahlas kričať: „Privedie mi kňaza!"

Keďže zákon v Mississippi predpisoval prí­tomnosť kňaza pri poprave, P. O'Leary bol vtedy už v miestnosti. Schovával sa však za niekoľkými novinármi, pretože odsúdený sa vyhrážal, že začne urážať Boha, keď zazrie nejakého farára. Bez meškania sa P. O'Leary ponáhľal k odsúden­covi, ktorý ihneď vyznal: „Bol som katolík, no svojím nemorálnym živo­tom som sa ako 18-ročný od náboženstva úplne odvrátil." Potom všetci miestnosť vyprázdnili a zostali v nej len kňaz a kandidát smrti Hughs. James Hughs sa vyspovedal s hlbokou ľútosťou ako dieťa.

Keď boli nakoniec všetci znova v miestnosti, šerif sa zvedavo opýtal: „Páter, čo spôsobilo u Hughsa túto zmenu názoru?"- „Neviem, "odvetil P. O'Leary, „nespýtal som sa ho na to." - „Keďto nezistím,"bedákal šerif, „dnešnej noci určite oka nezažmúrim."

A už aj sa obrátil na odsúdenca: „Čo to teda bolo, čo tak náhle zmenilo tvoj názor?" - „Pamätáte sa na toho černocha - Claudea New- mana, ktorého som tak veľmi nenávidel?" - opýtal sa úplne zmenený Hughs. „Nuž, Claude stál tu v tomto rohu a za ním, s rukami položenými na jeho pleciach stála svätá Panna.

Tu mi Claude povedal: ,Obetoval som moju smrť v jednote s Kristom na kríži za tvoju záchranu. Ona, Panna Mária, ti vyprosila milosť, aby si mohol vidieť to miesto v pekle, na ktoré sa dostaneš, keď neoľutuješ. 'A v tom okamihu som nahlas zakričal, že chcem kňaza." Krátko nato bol James Hughs, ktorý sa obrátil doslova v poslednej minúte, popravený.


V roku 1945 splnil P. O'Leary svoj sľub, ktorý dal Panne Márii v nebezpečenstve druhej svetovej vojny v Holandsku. Pre čiernych obyvateľov v delte Mississippi postavil v meste Clarksdale kostol ku cti Nepoškvrnenej Panny Márie. Kostol dodnes slúži ako farský kostol.

z časopisu - Výťazstvo srdca : Rodina Panny Márie / Stárá Halič



Proroctvo Stefana Gobbiho - pre našu dobu

Proroctvo sv Nila Myrotociveho - pre našu dobu

Svätá Lidvina obeť lásky




Z Božieho dopustenia posadnutá Arabka Mirjam

Svátý František z Paoly

Svätý Filip Neri

hriechy a charizmy

anjeli naši ochráncovia

Ako diabol útočí na človeka ? Kňaz exorcista: Jozef Maretta

rozlišovanie duchov

Radšej zomrieť ako zhrešiť ! - Sv. Dominik Savio )

Hrad v duši - svätá Terezia z Avily

Vzkriesený moslim Pannou Máriou

Svätý Filip Neri



















Božie milosrdenstvo
Božie milosrdenstvo
Božie milosrdenstvo
  Božie milosrdenstvo Bol som beznádejní prípad - neuveriteľné svedectvo obrátenia



Misericordia Divina; Gran testimonio..

La sgute historia verdadera d Claudio Newman ocurrió en Misisipi USA en 1944. El relato fue narrado x el Padre O'Leary, un sacerdote d Misisipi, quien estuvo directamente envuelto en los eventos. El ha dejado una cinta grabada acerca d sto, p la posteridad.

Claudio Newman era un hombre d raza negra q trabajaba el campo p un hacendado. Se había casado cdo tenía 17 años con una chica d la misma edad. Un día, dos años dpués, se encontraba arando en el campo. Otro trabajador corrió a decirle q su esposa estaba gritando dentro d su casa. Inmediatamente Claudio corrió y encontró un hombre atacando a su mujer. Claudio se enfureció, tomó un hacha y le rajó la cabeza al asaltante dejándosela abierta. Cdo descubrieron quien era el hombre muerto se dieron cuenta d q era el empleado preferido del dueño de la hacienda p la cual Claudio trabajaba. Claudio fue arrestado. Mas tarde fue sentenciado x asesinato y condenado a morir en la silla eléctrica.
Mientras estaba en la cárcel esperando su ejecución, Claudio compartió un bloque d celdas con otros cuatro presos. Una noche, los cinco hombres estaban pasando el tiempo hablando bobadas y se les había acabado la conversación. Claudio se dió cuenta q un preso llevaba algo colgado del cuello. El le pregunto q era eso y el joven Católico le dijo q era una medalla. Claudio le preguntó, q es una medalla? A lo cual el joven no le supo responder o para q la llevaba. En ese momento y con ira, el muchacho se quitó la medalla d su cuello y la tiró al piso a los pies de Claudio diciendo grocerías y maldiciendo, le dijo q la agarrara.
Claudio recogió la medalla, y con el permiso d los celadores d la carcel la puso en una cuerdita y la llevó al rededor d su cuello. P/ él era algo curioso, pero el se la quería poner.
Durante la noche, mientras dormía fue despertado x un toque sobre la muñeca. Y allí parada, como Claudio le dijo al sacerdote dpués, estaba la mujer mas hermosa q Dios hubiera creado. Al principio el staba lleno d miedo. La Señora calmó a Claudio y le dijo, “Si tu quieres que yo sea tu Madre, y si te gustaría ser mi hijo, haz que te traigan un sacerdote de la Iglesia Católica.” Luego d sto, ella desapareció.
Claudio inmediatamente se llenó d miedo, y empezó a gritar, “un fantasma, un fantasma”, y corrió a la celda d uno d los otros presos. Empezó a gritar q el quería ver a un sacerdote Católico.
El Padre O'Leary. El sacerdote q relata esta historia fue llamado a 1ra hora la mañana sgute. El fue y encontró a Claudio quien le contó lo q le había ocurrido la noche anterior. Entonces Claudio junto con los otros 4 hombres d su bloque d celdas pidió q se les diera instrucción religiosa, y enseñanzas del Catecismo.
Inicialmente, el Padre O'Leary tenía dificultad p creer la historia. Los otros presos le dijeron al sacerdote q todo en la historia era verdad, pero q x supuesto, ninguno d ellos vió o escuchó a la Señora.
El Padre O'Leary prometió enseñarles el Catecismo como lo habían pedido. Luego regresó a su parroquia y le dijo al rector lo q había sucedido, después volvió a la prisión el día sgute p darles instrucción.
Fue entonces cdo el sacerdote descubrió q Claudio Newman no podía ni leer ni escribrir. La única manera p él saber sin un libro staba al derecho era si el libro tenía algúna imagen. Claudio nunca había ido a la escuela. Su ignorancia d Religión era aun mas profunda. No sabía absolutamente nada d Religión. No sabía quien era Jesús. No sabía ninguna cosa, excepto d q existía un Dios.
Claudio empezó a recibir instrucciones y los otros presos le ayudaron en sus estudios. Dpués d unos pocos días 2 d las Hermanas Religiosas d la escuela d la Parroquia del Padre O'Leary consiguieron permiso del jefe d la cárcel p visitar la prisión. Ellas querían conocer a Claudio y tbién a las mujeres q estaban recluidas. Las hermanas empezaron entonces a enseñar el Catecismo a las mujeres tbién.
Después d varias semanas se llegó el momento en q el Padre O'Leary iba a dar instrucciones sobre el Sacramento d la Confesión. Las hermanas se sentaron tbién a participar en la clase. El sacerdote dijo a los presos, “Bueno muchachos, hoy voy a enseñarles sobre el Sacramento de la Confesión”
Claudio dijo, “O, yo ya se sobre eso”
”La Señora me dijo”, “que cuando nosotros vamos a la confesión nosotros nos estamos arrodillando, no delante de un sacerdote, sino que nosotros nos estamos arrodillando ante la cruz de su hijo. Y que cuando nosotros sentimos realmente dolor por nuestros pecados, y los confesamos, la Sangre que el derramó fluye sobre nosotros y nos baña y libra de todos los pecados.”
El Padre O'Leary y las hermanas se quedaron totalmente sorprendidos. Claudio pensó q staban enojados y les dijo “O, no se enojen, no se enojen. Yo no debí haberles revelado esto”
El sacerdote dijo, “Nosotros no estamos enojados. Estamos sorprendidos. Has vuelto a verla de nuevo?”. Claudio le respondió, “Venga padre conmigo, vamos allí alrededor del bloque de celdas, alejémonos de los de




The miraculous story of Claude Newman & his conversion through the intercession of the Virgin Mary

The remarkable true story of the miraculous intercession of the Virgin Mary in 1944 to prisoner Claude Newman of Mississippi

-The Virgin Mary appears in a series of visions through the intercession of the Miraculous Medal and converts two men on death row.

By: Glenn Dallaire

Claude Newman was an African American man who was born on December 1, 1923 to Willie and Floretta (Young) Newman in Stuttgart, Arkansas. In 1928, Claude’s father Willie takes Claude and his older brother away from their mother for unknown reasons, and they are brought to their grandmother, Ellen Newman, of Bovina, Warren County, Mississippi.

In 1939, Claude's beloved grandmother, Ellen Newman, marries a man named Sid Cook. Soon Sid becomes sexually abusive toward Ellen, which deeply angers Claude. In 1940, Claude works as a farmhand on Ceres Plantation in Bovina, Mississippi. The plantation is owned by a wealthy landowner named U.G. Flowers, and Sid Cook was born and raised on this plantation. One biographer also has Claude getting married also in 1940 at age 17 to a young woman of the same age.

On Dec.19, 1942, Claude is apparently still very angered by Sid's abusive treatment towards his grandmother Ellen, and egged on by dominant friend named Elbert Harris, Claude lies in waiting at Sid Cook’s house (Sid Cook and Ellen Newman have since seperated). Claude shoots Sid as he enters, killing him, and takes his money, then flees to his mothers house in Arkansas, arriving on Dec 20th.

Claude is arrested and sent to prison on death row
In January 1943, Claude is apprehended in Arkansas and is returned to Vicksburg, Mississippi and makes a coerced confession on Jan. 13. Despite protests of Claude’s lawyer Harry K. Murray, his confession is admitted as evidence, and he is found guilty by jury, and is initially sentenced to die in the electric chair on May 14, 1943. Later an appeal to retry the case is rejected by State Attorney General and he is rescheduled to be executed on January 20, 1944.

Claude receives the Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The majority of the information that will now be presented comes from a tape recording of a radio show interview of Father O'Leary- a priest who came to know Claude very well during Claude's imprisionment. 
While Claude was in jail awaiting execution, he shared a cell-block with four other prisoners. One night, the five men were sitting around talking and eventually the conversation ran out. During this time, Claude noticed a medal on a string around one of the other prisoner's neck. Curious, he asked the other prisoner what the medal was. The young prisoner was a Catholic, but he apparently did not know (or did not want to talk) about the medal, and seemingly embarrassed, he appeared angry and suddenly took the medal off from around his own neck and threw it on the floor at Claude's feet with a curse and a cuss, telling him to "take the thing". Claude picked up the medal, and after looking it over, he placed it around his own neck, although he had no idea whose image it was on the medal; to him it was simply a trinket, but for some reason he felt attracted to it, and wanted to wear it.

The Blessed Virgin Mary appears to Claude in a vision
(The Icon to the left is of “Mary the Teacher” © Copyright 2004 by Brother Claude Lane, OSB, Mount Angel Abbey. This beautiful icon is a representation of the amazing facts below. Click here for more info about Brother Claude's iconography.)

During the night while sleeping on top of his cot, he was awakened with a touch upon his wrist. Awakening with a start, there stood, as Claude told Father O’Leary afterwards, ‘the most beautiful Woman that God ever Created’.

At first he was quite frightened, not knowing what to make of this extraordinary beautiful glowing Woman. The Lady soon calmed Claude down, and then said to
him, "If you would like Me to be your Mother, and you would like to be My child, send for a priest of the Catholic Church."
And after saying these words She suddenly disappeared.

Excited, Claude immediately started to yell "a ghost, a ghost", and started screaming that he wanted a Catholic priest.

Father Robert O'Leary SVD (1911-1984), the priest who tells the story, was called first thing the next morning. Upon arrival he went to see Claude who told him of what had happened the night before. Deeply impressed by the events, Claude, along with the other four men in his cell-block, asked for religious instruction in the Catholic faith.

Claude and some of the other prisoners receive instruction in the Catholic faith
Father O'Leary returned to the prison the next day to begin instruction for the prisoners. It was then that the priest learned that Claude Newman could neither read nor write at all. The only way he could tell if a book was right-side-up was if the book contained a picture. Claude told him that he had never been to school, and Father O’Leary soon discovered that his ignorance of religion was even more profound. He knew practically nothing about religion or the Christian faith. He knew that there was a God, but he did not know that Jesus was God. And so Claude began receiving instructions, and the other prisoners helped him with his studies.

After a few days, two of the religious Sisters from Father O'Leary's parish-school obtained permission from the warden to come to the prison. They wanted to meet Claude and hear his remarkable story, and they also wanted to visit the women in the prison. Soon, on another floor of the prison, the Sisters began to teach some of the women-prisoners the catechism as well.

A heavenly lesson about Confession
Several weeks passed, and it came time when Father O'Leary was going to give instructions about the Sacrament of Confession. The Sisters too sat in on the class. The priest said to the prisoners, "Ok boys, today I'm going to teach you about the Sacrament of Confession."
Claude said, "Oh, I know about that! The Lady told me that when we go to confession we are kneeling down not before a priest, but we're kneeling down by the Cross of Her Son. And that when we are truly sorry for our sins, and we confess our sins, the Blood He shed flows down over us and washes us free from all sins."

Hearing Claude say this, Father O'Leary and the Sisters sat stunned with their mouths wide open. Claude thought they were angry and said, "Oh don't be angry, don't be angry, I didn't mean to blurt it out."
The priest said, "We're not angry Claude. We are just surprised. You have seen Her again?"

Claude replied, "Come around the cell-block away from the others."

Proof that the Blessed Virgin Mary was appearing to Claude
When they were alone, Claude said to the priest, "She told me that if you doubted me or
showed hesitancy, I was to remind you that lying in a ditch in Holland in 1940, you made a vow to Her which She's still waiting for you to keep."

And, Father O'Leary recalls, "Claude then told me precisely what the vow was."

Claude's revelation absolutely convinced Father O'Leary that Claude was telling the truth about his visions of Our Lady. The promise Fr. O’Leary made to Our Lady in 1940 from a ditch in Holland (the proof Claude gave the priest that Our Lady really was appearing to him) was this: that when he could, he would build a church in honor of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception. He did just that in 1947. He had been transferred to Clarksdale, Mississippi in 1945 when a group African American Catholic laymen asked to have a church built there. The Bishop of Natchez, Mississippi had been sent $5000 by Archbishop Cushing of Boston for the “Negro missions.” The Bishop and Father O’Leary commissioned the church of the Immaculate Conception to be built, and it is still there today (photo left)

Father O’Leary and Clark then returned to the catechism class on Confession. And Claude kept telling the other prisoners, "You should not be afraid to go to confession. You're really telling God your sins, not the priest”
Then Claude said,
"You know, the Lady said that Confession is something like a telephone. We talk through the priest to God, and God talks back to us through the priest."

A heavenly lesson about Holy Communion
About a week later, Father O'Leary was preparing to teach the class about the Blessed Sacrament. The Sisters were again present for this lesson too. Claude indicated that the Lady had also taught him about the Eucharist, and he asked if he could tell the priest what She said.

Fr. O’Leary agreed immediately. Claude related, "The Lady told me that in Communion, I will only see what looks like a piece of bread. But She told me that It is really and truly Her Son, and that He will be with me just as He was with Her before He was born in Bethlehem. She told me that I should spend my time like She did during Her lifetime with Him-- in loving Him, adoring Him, thanking Him, praising Him and asking Him for blessings. I shouldn't be distracted or bothered by anybody else or anything else, but I should spend those few minutes in my thoughts alone with Him."

Claude is received into the Catholic church and scheduled to be executed
As the weeks progressed, eventually they finished the catechism instructions and Claude and the other prisoners were received into the Catholic Church. The St. Mary’s parish (Vicksburg, MI) baptismal log has recorded his baptism on January 16, 1944.  Fr. O’Leary officiated and a young nun, Sr. Bena Henken, served as his godmother.

Soon afterwards the time came for Claude to be executed. He was to be executed at five minutes after twelve, midnight, on January 20, 1944.

The sheriff, named Williamson, asked him, "Claude, you have the privilege of a last request. What do you want?"
"Well," said Claude, "all of my friends are all shook up. The jailer is all shook up. But you don't
understand. I'm not going to die; only this body. I'm going to be with Her. So, then I would like to have a party"

"What do you mean?” asked the sheriff.

"A party!" said Claude. "Will you give Father O’Leary permission to bring in some cakes and ice cream and will you allow the prisoners on the second floor to be freed in the main room so that we can all be together and have a party?"

"Somebody might attack Father," cautioned the warden.
Claude turned to the men who were standing by and said, "Oh no they won't, right fellas?"
The warden consented and posted additional guards for the party. So, Father O’Leary visited a wealthy patron of the parish, and she generously supplied the ice cream and cake, and everyone enjoyed the party.

Afterwards, because Claude had requested it, they made a Holy Hour, praying especially for Claude and for all of their souls. Fr. O’Leary brought prayer books from the Church, and they all said together the Stations of the Cross, and made a Holy Hour, without the Blessed Sacrament.

As the time neared for Claude’s execution, the men were put back in their cells. The priest then went to the chapel to get the Blessed Sacrament so that he could give Claude Holy Communion in the moment before his execution.
Father O'Leary returned to Claude's cell. Claude knelt on one side of the bars, the priest
knelt on the other, and they prayed together as the clock ticked toward Claude's execution.

A two week stay of execution is granted
Fifteen minutes before the execution, sheriff Williamson came running up the stairs shouting,
"Reprieve, Reprieve, the Governor has given a two-week reprieve!"
Claude had not been aware that the sheriff and the District Attorney were trying to get a stay of execution for Claude to save his life. But when Claude found out, he started to cry.

The priest and the sheriff assumed Claude’s reaction was that of joy because he was not going to be executed. However Claude said, "But you don't understand! If you ever saw Her face, and looked into Her eyes, you wouldn't want to live another day!"

Claude then continued, "What have I done wrong these past weeks that God would refuse me my going home?"
Father O’Leary then testified that Claude sobbed as one who was completely brokenhearted.

Bewildered, the sheriff then left the room. The priest remained and Claude eventually quieted down, then Father O’Leary gave Claude Holy Communion. Afterwards Claude said,
"Why Father? Why must I still remain here for two weeks?"

Claude generously sacrifices himself in an offering for a fellow prisoner
Father O’Leary then had a sudden inspiration. He reminded Claude about James Hughs, a white prisoner in the same jail who hated Claude intensely. This prisoner had led a horribly immoral life, and like Claude he too was sentenced to be executed for murder. James was raised a Catholic, but now he was a reprobate, and rejected God and all things Christian.

Father O’Leary then said "Maybe Our Blessed Mother wants you to offer this denial of being with Her for his conversion." And the priest continued, "Why don't you offer to God every
moment that you are seperated from your heavenly Mother for this prisoner, so that he will not be seperated from God for all eternity."

Claude thought for a moment, then agreed, and he asked Father O’Leary to teach him the words to make the offering. Father O’Leary complied, and he later testified that from that moment on the only two people on earth who knew about this personal offering were Claude and himself, because it was a private matter between God, the Blessed Mother, Claude and himself.

A few hours later (still on the morning after his reprieve of execution) Fr. O’Leary came once again to visit Claude, and Claude said to the priest, "James hated me before, but oh Father, how he hates me now!" (This was because James had heard about Claude’s reprieve and was jealous) To encourage him the good priest said, "Well, perhaps that's a good sign."

Claude’s execution
During his two weeks reprieve, Claude generously offered his sacrifice and prayers for his fellow prisoner, the reprobate James Hughs . Two weeks later, Claude was finally put to death by the electric chair on Feb.4, 1944.

Concerning Claude’s holy death Father O'Leary testified: "I've never seen anyone go to his death as joyfully and happily. Even the official witnesses and the newspaper reporters were amazed. They said they couldn't understand how anyone could go and sit in the electric chair while at the same time actually beaming with happiness."

Claude's death notice was printed in the Vicksburg Evening News on the day of his execution Feb. 4, 1944 (see photo left). His last words to Father O'Leary were, "Father, I will remember you. And whenever you have a request, ask me, and I will ask Her."

The miraculous conversion & execution of prisoner James Hughs
Three months later, on May 19, 1944, the white man named James Hughs--the who Claude had offered his sacrifice for, was to be executed. Father O'Leary said, "This man was the filthiest, most immoral person I had ever come across. His hatred for God and for everything spiritual defied description."

He would not allow a priest or any clergyman in his cell. Just before his execution, the county doctor pleaded with him to at least kneel down and say the "Our Father" before the sheriff would come for him. The prisoner spat in the doctor's face.

When he was strapped into the electric chair, the sheriff said to him, "If you have something to say, say it now."
The condemned man started to blaspheme.

All of a sudden he stopped speaking, and his eyes became fixed on the corner of
the room, and his face turned to one of absolute horror. Suddenly he screamed in terror--a horrible scream that shocked everyone present.

Turning to the sheriff, he then said, "Sheriff, get me a priest!"

Now, Father O'Leary had been in the room because Mississippi law at that time required a clergyman to be present at executions. The priest, however, had hidden himself behind some reporters because the condemned man had threatened to curse God if he saw a clergyman.

Upon calling for a priest, Father O'Leary immediately went to the condemned man. The room was cleared of everyone else, and the priest heard the man's confession. The man said he had been a Catholic, but turned away from his religion when he was 18 because of his immoral life. He confessed all of his sins with deep repentance and intense fervor.

While everyone was returning to the room, the sheriff asked the priest, "Father, what made him change his mind?"
"I don't know " said Father O'Leary, "I didn't ask him."
The sheriff said, "Well, I will never sleep tonight if I don't ask him."

The Sheriff went to the condemned man and asked, "Son, what changed your mind?"
The prisoner responded, "Remember that black man Claude – the one whom I hated so much? Well he's standing there [and he pointed], over in that corner. And behind him with one hand on each shoulder is the Blessed Virgin Mary. And Claude said to me, 'I offered my death in union with Christ on the Cross for your salvation. She has obtained for you this gift of seeing your place in Hell if you do not repent.'
I have been shown my place in Hell, and that's why I screamed."

James Hughs was executed as scheduled, but the heavenly appearence of our Blessed Mother with Claude Newman and the subsequent vision of hell had instantly converted his soul in the last moments of his life. With the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Father O'Leary had taught Claude to unite himself with the suffering of Jesus by offering his own sufferings to Him, just as we all can do for others, and Claude's suffering helped to pay the price for James' remarkable last minute conversion and repentance. Therefore we must never under-estimate the the value of our suffering joined with that of Jesus Christ’s, and also the power and loving intercession of Our Blessed Mother in heaven.

O’ Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
I am very grateful to Brother Claude Lane OSB, of the Mount Angel Abbey, in St. Benedict, Oregon for the following information and chronology of the life of Claude Newman (Note: Br. Claude is the artist who created the beautiful icon of the Virgin Mary and Claude Newman in this article. Click here for more information about Brother Claude's iconography.)

Chronology of the Life of Claude Newman

1923- Dec.1, Claude Newman is born to Willie and Floretta Young Newman in Stuttgart, Arkansas.

1928- Claude and his older brother are removed from their mother by Willie, who takes them to be raised by their grandmother, Ellen Newman, in Bovina, Mississippi, east of Vicksburg.

1930- Six year old Claude appears in the Federal census, living with his Grandmother in Warren County. They reside on the Ike Henry place.

Late 1930s- Claude spends time in the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp)

c.1939- Claude's grandmother, Ellen Newman, marries Sid Cook. Soon he becomes sexually abusive toward Ellen, which angers Claude.

c.1940-41- Claude works on Ceres Plantation in Bovina, owned by U. G. Flowers. Sid Cook was born and raised on this place. If Claude Newman has married, it was not registered in Warren Co. Perhaps he was married in another county, or parish of Louisiana. In any case, he is no longer with her by Dec. 19, 1942.

1942- Dec.19, Egged on by dominant friend Elbert Harris, Claude lies in waiting in Sid Cook’s house (Cook and Ellen Newman have since seperated). Claude shoots Sid as he enters, and takes his money, then flees to his mothers house in Little Rock, AR., arriving on the 20th. First time she has seen him since he was five. She is now re-married to a man named Rogers, who finds Claude a job. Claude now goes by the name ‘Ralph’.

Jan 1943- Claude is apprehended in Arizona and is returned to Vicksburg, Mississippi and makes a coerced confession on Jan. 13. Despite protests of Claude’s lawyer Harry K. Murray, confession is admitted as evidence. He is found guilty by an all white jury. He is sentenced to die in the electric chair on May 14, 1943. Appeal to re-try the case is rejected by State Attorney General. Sid Cook’s patron, U. G. Flowers, has too much influence.

Jan.20, 1944 is given as new date for execution.

1943-44 Sometime late in 1943, Claude puts on a miraculous medal, begins having visions of the Virgin Mary. She encourages him to find a priest and become a Catholic. Fr. Robert O’Leary, SVD of St. Mary’s for Colored, and Catholic County Doctor Augustine Podesta, minister to him.

1944- Jan.16, Fr. O’Leary baptizes Claude in jail with the name ‘Claude Jude’, with Sr. Benna Henken, SSpS standing as his sponsor. Just before Claude is to be executed on Jan. 20, a stay of execution of two weeks arrives. He is finally put to death on Feb.4, 1944. Claude has his favorite dessert, coconut pie, on the night before he dies. His body is buried in the historic African American “Beulah cemetary” in Vicksburg, MS. His death notice was printed in the Vicksburg Evening News on the day of his execution, Feb. 4, 1944.

A few months later on May 19, 1944, Claude appears in a vision along with the Blessed Mother, to his fellow inmate James Hughs – a white man who he had prayed and sacrificed for in the two weeks prior to his death, and who on this day is himself seated on the electric chair. Seeing the vision, the James immediately repents of his sins and is saved from eternal damnation, just moments before his execution.

1947- Fulfilling his previous promise to the Virgin Mary made in a ditch in Holland, Fr, O’Leary founds Immaculate Conception Parish (for African Americans) in Clarksville, Mississippi.

1960’s- Fr. O’Leary records a testimony of Claude Newman’s Story for a radio broadcast.

1984 –Death of Fr. Robert O’Leary, SVD (1911-1984)

2001- The March 2001 issue of The Catholic Family News publishes “The True Account of Prisoner Claude Newman (1944)” by John Vennari. This article is taken from the 1960’s radio broadcast testimony by Father Robert O’Leary.

2002- While looking for information on Cardinal Newman, Br. Claude Lane of Mount Angel Abbey, happens on the miraculous story of Claude Newman.

2003- In the early summer, Br. Claude is inspired to write the icon “Mary, the Teacher” and he begins the task of researching Claude Newman’s life with initial help from Catholic Family News, along with the research of John Sharpe Sr. of Phoenix, Arizona.

12/22/2011 -Additionally Brother Claude adds: “A historian by the name of Ralph Frasca has been working on a biography for Claude Newman. He did find the identity of the white reprobate for whom Claude offered his life. His name was James Hughs, and he was electrocuted in Vicksburg on May 19, 1944. That can be added to the chronology. Interestingly, a black woman was also executed (for murder) in Vicksburg on that same day, named Mildred Johnson. She, too, had become a Catholic through the ministrations of the nuns from the African American parish of St. Mary's. These last two findings were the work of Mr. Frasca, and can, as I said, be added to the chronology." –Brother Claude Lane, OSB

Addendum: Feb 4, 2013:
I received an email from a gentleman and his wife who are said to have investigated the facts concerning Claude Newman. One of the details they pointed out is the following:
"His (Claude Newmans') official Mississippi department of health death certificate lists Newman’s place of burial as “Beluah Cemetery.” As we subsequently learned from Ms. Yolande Robbins, a African-American funeral director in Vicksburg, that this was a misspelling of “Beulah Cemetery,” Vicksburg’s only public burial ground for blacks in Newman’s day, which, according to Robbins, was undergoing restoration at the time to help identify the many unknown bodies."

Additionally the email also points out: "...Newspaper accounts reported that Newman was executed at 7:00A.M on Feb. 4, 1944, not midnight as Fr. O’Leary claimed."
"....Other [newspaper] accounts dealt with the execution on May 19 that year of one James Samuel Hughes, most certainly the man Fr. O’Leary described as the white prisoner who had committed incest with his daughters and had shot a policeman. But he was not, as Fr. O’Leary asserted, a lapsed Catholic. The newspaper described him as “a member of the ‘Holy Roller’ faith.”

O’ Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
- See more at:





Claude Newman.. colored, aged. 20 years, was. electrocuted ln the! Watren county jaíl thls mornlng at- 7 o'clock. He dled a íew minutes! after the "cUrŕéttr wss -appiieci-.—h
-.. .. . 1-1. - -n
r-frť^iatťimUc«a. fipin hla jsall, on the second floor oí the jäil, -to the chahy located ín a room on the ítrstr-ílooritn the írorth sidé of the" buildiog, wiihout assistance. He was preceded by Rev. Father O'Leary, of St. Mary's CaUiblic Church for colored.
Sloce betog conítned bi the War- ren Jail, Newman had embraced the Catholic faith.. .
Newman's only comment prlor to the -executloň was that. he was
Dr. A. J. Podesta, county physl- clan, pronounced Newman dead.t ^deatli belng instantaneous...« —i.
His body was turned over to the • , jPegple^ J^derta|ttaK Company of ■Tacksoň
~=Ňéwman wns -executed for the fatal shootlng of "SldCopk, colored. .reha-joaMeú: on..J&9..J>L' ~
plače at Bovina. The shootlng oo curred the early part of 1943^ -He \was árrested ln Llttle Rock, Ark.. and returned here for trlal.
For, hlá ílnal meal last night, Néwnsan ate a vegetable, beef tfin- n^íTUnd tor dessért-had cocouut pie: ,

Pays with Life f or Fntal
Ňévraian was vlslted by relajiyes YESTEDAY



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